Virtual Course

Cyber Hygiene & Digital Citizenship Course

This virtual program is a gamified, scenario based, interactive, virtual reality course that can be accessed on computers, tablets, and other mobile devices, designed to deliver cyber education to elementary and middle school students through engaging micro learnings.

In-Person Programs


An intense 4-hour course designed to teach children the behaviors required to maintain a healthy digital lifestyle. Program content includes cyber threats, online safety, social media etiquette, cloud-based computing, introduction to coding, and more.


Provides teachers with essential tools that enable digital learning while cultivating cybersecurity awareness in students. The workshop includes informational resources and tips on incorporating digital technologies in the classroom.


Parents are invaluable in protecting children from cybersecurity threats. This workshop examines the most significant cyber threats to kids and provides parents the tools to ensure a healthy digital lifestyle for their family.


Introduces children to the foundation of leadership skills critically needed to succeed in the digital world. The program's inspiration draws from the concept of emotional intelligence that promotes grit, resilience, empathy, and social skills.


An innovative course teaching computer programming and technical skills through interactive and exciting projects.


Engages students in experiential learning to cultivate key leadership skills (team-building exercises, communication skills). Additionally, building skills that promote high emotional intelligence among youth.

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    Past Courses & Programs

    • Summer 2020 (Virtual) SUMMER YOUTH LEADERSHIP ACADEMY Read More

      This summer program is designed to provide students ages 11-15 with foundational leadership competencies that will aid in leading in a digital world. Leadership competencies and concepts include emotional intelligence, interpersonal communications, team work, decision-making, conflict resolution, digital resilience and etiquette, among other critical skills of effective leadership.

      Program includes:

      • 2.5 hours of live interactive sessions daily from 9:30 am-12 pm
      • Peer collaboration, games, role-playing, mentorship, and other self-paced active learning activities.
      • Students will develop personal leadership plans that will guide them as they move through their educational and professional pathways
      • Students will earn a certificate of completion in Foundations of Leadership
    • January 2019 IBM CYBER DAY FOR GIRLS Read More

      Teaching Digital Natives is joining IBM, FIU and Trend Micro to host nearly 300 middle school girls for IBM’s Cyber Day for Girls taking place at FIU this January.

    • Summer 2019 CYBERSECURITY SUMMER CAMPS Read More

      Teaching Digital Natives is ramping up summer camps throughout South Florida.